However, for me, I struggle finding a hero like that. I can't think of anyone I can wax lyrical that I admire in that way. For instance, my hero isn't someone like Florence Nightingale, it's the bloke in the street. It's the bloke in the street that has been raised in hell, has had a horrific accident, but yet still walks down the street smiling and calling out hi. It's the man who doesn't become tied down to one thing, he listens to what he wants and he does it. Whether it be changing job, moving house, going on a spontaneous trip down the country, throwing all their money to the lottery even.
Because these people are living their lives. They're doing what everyone should do. Don't take life seriously, let your hair down, run with the wind and be a little bit dangerous. Life is just that little bit too short to worry about stability or doing the right thing.
I wish I could do this. Instead, I'm sat on a Saturday morning with a maths text book open learning maths supposedly for primary years that I have NEVER seen. And I'm thinking that if it was only me I had to think about, I'd rip this book up, tell the university to stick their course, jump into the car and drive, constantly moving whereever my heart wanted.
Rose: (looks at the dusk sky)
Why can't I be like you Jack? Just head out for the horizon whenever I feellike it. (turning to him) Say we'll go there, sometime... to that pier... even if we only ever justtalk about it.
Jack: Alright, we're going. We'll drink cheap beer and go on the rollercoasteruntil we throw up and we'll ride horses on the beach... right in thesurf... but you have to ride like a cowboy, none of that side-saddle stuff.
As it is I can't do that. I'm stuck. And I'm stuck trying to make a life long career for myself. Something which will give me safety and security *sigh*.
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