Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wandering down memory lane..

As I've mentioned, last week I had the opportunity to spend two days in my old secondary school.  A place where memories live of the times I was carefree, a massive swat, and perhaps the best days of my life.

Immediately walking down the corridors I could see the old gang sat in the library over lunchtimes, standing under the alcove at break times, the times we queued for lunch and the classrooms we spent countless hours in.  What's more of a shock was the old teachers.  Each looking like 6 years had never passed aside from their hair tinted with grey and their faces ever more lined.

But the old mixes with the new and as I walked around the old corridors, there'd been significant changes.  The school almost reflected the years I'd spent when I was away from there.  It's matured, changed, it's developed and it's got more serious.  Gone are the days of the sport of taunting teachers until they broke down, gone are the days of tantrums and throwing chairs, swapping naked pictures over bluetooth and hiding from the teachers behind rows of heads.  Hello was the fresh clean yellow look of the new logo, not a phone in sight, group tables and after school detentions handed out without a second thought.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Apologies for the lack of posting on here but I've been rather busy.

Not only have I spent an entire week researching mobile phones; arguing with sales men; visiting shopping malls; making the most of the students being around; working; completing my KS3 work placement; working a bit more; taking on extra hours; getting more jobs; doing reading for my course.... and the list goes on.

But the end product is that I've now completed two days of my KS3 placement at my old secondary school (ah, memories!) and have a super duper new phone which only bad point is that it needs charging every night!

When I have more time perhaps I'll delve into these missing 12 days, however for now... *snoozes*

Though in the meantime I hope the weather cheers itself up...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Olympic Torch Relay 2012

The has come that the Olympic Torch, currently on the way around the UK bringing the flame within 1 hour of 90% of the population, arrived in the North-East.

So at about 4 o clock, regardless of the torrential downpour that seemed to drift over and over again over the region, we set out to Tow Law to see it arrive.  We got there an hour early and got ourselves a spot beside some policemen who we overheard tell a photographer was the best place for everything to happen.  Awesome.

Unconventional News - 16/06/2012

It's a while since I've done this so thought I'd peruse the news again for some gems.

This is a fantastically useless way of using statistics, probability and mathematics to come up with a statistic that explains just why this world is as small as it seems at times:-

Big Brother much? Ban on the youth out at night (to be fair if it's a school night they should be in bed! - that's the teacher in me talking)

Another week, another dangerous tale of child in an international country.  They seem to have a suicide pact!

Geeks at play.  Can strategy games predict the future?

Another gaming bit of news but something that sooo needs to happen! Cheaters v Cheaters!

Only in Britain would the shopkeepers be classed as 'rude but helpful' and unfortunately only here would another quaint independent shop be turned into yet another Wetherspoons pub!

Currently loving the 'Week in pictures' section of BBC News too:-

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Friends - The One Where They're Going to PARTY! Best Bits.

I'm 22, and I'm old.

All I hear day in and day out is 'you're only 22'.  This kinda irritates me.  Yes, I'm 22.  And by that logic I'm still young.  Certainly, if anyone's reading this who's older than 22 I'm sure you're sat there going 'What is she talking about, she is young'.  But let me tell you something, I'm old, and I'm feeling it.

Here's just a few instances why I know 22 isn't as young as everyone thinks it should be:-

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dear Diary: Living in the 60s...

What felt like eons ago I decided to put down 'attending' for a friend of a friend (x3) 21st birthday party themed in the 60s.  Without any costume in mind the following was the result...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Diamond Jubilee Weekend 2nd-5th June 2012

For all those people who were in a coma/on a different planet, this weekend was Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee celebrated with four days off work and non-stop celebrations.

Despite the weather being extremely poor and the Duke of Edinburgh having to be taken to hospital for half of it, the weekend was a blast!  Sunday's Pageant down the Thames with the launch of a literal thousand ships was a sight to behold especially at one point the DoE and the Queen were seen swaying and tapping their feet in appreciation to some music.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dear Diary, 28th May - 3rd June 2012

I have been busy busy busy lately, so much so that I've let my personal commitments take a downfall and my mental capabilities to go haywire.  Today is the first day that I could actually have a lie in pulled short because at 10am on Sunday's is my prime TV time of the week *sigh*.

So what have I been up to?