Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Endless Frustration

I am sure I've used this metaphor before with you but bear with me.

Imagine you're swimming in the sea.  And you realise that the ball you were playing with floats a little too far for your liking.  You swim towards it, but it floats out that little bit further.  You're getting frustrated now, because you can see it, it's right in front of you but it's teasing you.  You stretch out your fingers and just brush it but it lifts on a wave and moves further away from you.  You keep going, but you're feeling your feet lift up from the sea bed, and having to paddle.  But your movements are carrying the ball further and further away.  So you stop, you tread the water, and you watch the ball linger, stagnant on the sea, bobbing up and down in the water and you know if you jump forward like a cat pouncing on a mouse, it's just going to escape out of your hands.  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

"We all have to make our decisions...that's the easy bit.  The hard part is we have to live with them"
A Dark Redemption
Stav Sherez 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

What a week - a right Royal visit and an AirShow extravaganza

So when I posted about how grateful I am for the life I've fallen into, little did I know that I would spend two days this week in absolute glee.

Firstly, Wednesday 18th July 2012 marked the day that the Queen visited the region as part of her Jubilee tour.  And in all my excitement I managed to persuade the family to take me through to Durham to wait out, dressed in all my UK gear ready to show my appreciation to her majesty.  So in the actual warm weather, we stood out with our freebie flags and our cameras at the ready, preparing for the sight of the Bently.  And come it did, with Prince Phillip and the Queen residing in the back and a long convoy of security vans to boot.  I managed to get two videos of the event.  The first being completely shakey due to my absolute break down on seeing her.  I couldn't stop shaking or nervous giggling!  Right there was the most powerful woman in the world, and I was totally weakened by it.  The second video was by far the best, but alas I chose not to look through the lens at her but directly at her and wave, and thus, just as I should have got the Queen and Phillip in full view I moved with the car and not the face.  It was one of the best moments of my life, and I will probably never get a chance like that to come close to royalty.  

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Once in a life time.

It's very easy in life to get bogged down by the stresses, pains and labours of life.  All this week I've been exasperated by one thing after another.  First it was coming down with the flu.  Secondly, it was frustration that two weeks of experience was simply not enough to get a feel for everything in the school and certainly not enough to finish my 50page work booklet.  Then it was the stressful realisation that finally I have a whole blissful week of not having to do anything only to find out I've been asked to sign my summer away at another job.  Then it was the feeling that all the preparation work I wanted to do by September won't be getting done.  Followed by the crippling realisation that I can't actually relax and do nothing.  Instead I get up, grab a textbook and get reading, or I drag myself into my work clothes and go to work, or I go out and socialise with whatever last fibre of my being that can stand up. 

It's a scary thing...

becoming a primary teacher.  You have to get into the heads of children.  You have to read their books, watch their TV and play their games.  You have to be able to understand what they think, how they see the world and what they understand from every little sentence you say.  You have to be careful that they don't fall for misconceptions or get confused at simple instructions.  You have to watch the language you use and the way you say things.  You have to think simply and stop being convoluted.  You have to remember that they have physical limitations and mental limitations.  You have to remember that they see the world in vivid colour and imagination.  You have to remember that they don't have the experience that you have and they don't know the people you know or the things that you know.  You have to remember that what you've seen daily and now goes unnoticed, captures their attention and they become excited about it- it's a whole new exciting thing for them.  You have to remember that they all live carefree lives but you also have to keep an eye on making sure it stays that way.  You have to keep them safe and make sure they get to their parents on a night without having accidents.  And you have to make sure they're happy and enjoying life.

With so much to think about and remember and to put into action, you even have to be careful you don't become a child again...

Monday, July 9, 2012


It's not new to me that I seem to have an addictive personality.  I can do the same thing over and over again from drink to eating the same thing to watching programmes non-stop.  I seem to lack the thing that most people have called Reason.  In the past, I've bordered on obsessive in nearly every aspect of my life.  And right now I think I've put on my finger on the main culprit - Work.

I've recently had this epiphany that I have to be working.  Whether it be paid work, voluntary work, course work, writing on this, working for fan sites, organising things, setting myself unobtainable objects...everything.  I just can't stop working.  And when I asked the teachers in three different staffrooms whether they thought teaching took over their life, that they'd wake up thinking about teaching, that they sat on the toilet and thought about it, that it never escaped their minds and they all said - yes.  Most people would be quite thrown by this, but I found myself suddenly really excited about it.  This is most definitely the job for me!

And so thanks to all this working I have had very little time to write on this, or to think (yey!).  But I would, if I could work it, post the pictures up here that I've taken recently.  Unfortunately for now, I best leave things!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Unconventional News - 02.07.2012

Rain makes music.  A step forward in synthetic products.

The Shard almost claims it's first victim...

No end to education reformation.  I hope it settles down for me!

You don't expect the BBC to come up with a headline like this:-

And finally...

Some incredible stuff on the Odd Box this week:-