Tuesday, May 20, 2014

You're not enthusiastic around adults...

I'm a teacher.  A teacher of children.

This was my response when I was rejected for a job that I was interviewed for today.
"You're not enthusiastic around adults.."

I'm sorry.  I mistook the point of a Primary school teacher.  To be enthusiastic around children.  Did I have to be enthusiastic around adults?!  Do they need to be inspired by me?

To be quite honest, I was full on smiley and happy and engaging in conversation...if I'm still getting accused of not having the personality then that is a MASSIVE insult.

Me and teaching are over.  I don't need the nit picking.  I don't need the bringing down.  The lack of praise.  The long hours.

New job starts this summer!

Thursday, May 8, 2014


The word that means fate and destiny...blowing in the wind...landing where nature sees fit...

Well I'm ready to be taken nature.  Do your best!