Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I never expected it to be a sprint...but this..

...this is a bloody marathon.

I haven’t posted in here since August.  And why? I’m not so sure.  Probably plain laziness. 
I did work in College until the start of the new academic year which is a plain enough excuse until October.  So I never did get to meet the hundred or so people I have dealt with, handled, and contacted.  Which I suppose, being in the epicentre of a job which follows so many people through such an important part of their life, it’s kinda not rewarding to see how happy they are.  In fact the best I saw of it was one student recognised me from a tour and said he was incredibly happy with his choice which made me very happy indeed.  And so I left that job with my head held high choosing to ignore the pulling my hair out times or holding my head in my hands while repeatedly saying out loud “Why, just why?!”.  All in all, sucking up to (or rather trying to be amiable with) the boss for so long paid off as she finally saw fit to sit down and write me a reference.

And so that’s the stage I’m at now.  Yes, since October I’ve managed to rekindle my note-taking job, gain another job working on a World Heritage Site (it’s less glamourous than you’d think) and try applying for all sorts of jobs from NHS, retail, jobs within the university and jobs in an office.  And guess what? The success rate is an overwhelming – 0.  Well that was until I got an interview for a Primary PGCE.  It’s still in early stages but I’m going to clutch at that and run with it, I’m going to run with it and make something with it, cos if I don’t…well where will I be next year? Probably about a stone heavier and sat where I am right now.
So here’s to prepping for my interview, and here’s perhaps to a more eventful time in the next few days.  However, the more I’m being stagnant the more likely I’ll visit this blog.