Sunday, August 11, 2013

Beautiful melody.

Hand me a time travelling clock

Sick of feeling so mournful, wanting to travel back in time, wanting to travel forward in time.

I should wait patiently.

I should wait patiently as this might be the first time in my life that I don't care about the concept of time really.  Because every moment is a happy moment, I just have more happier moments than just 'happy' moments.  Doesn't matter if I travel backwards or forwards in time.  I'm still happy.

Subtract work, subtract family = One blissful girl.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Here's the tale of the best few weeks I ever had.

And the start of what is probably going to be a heart attack...

So schools over for Summer, and despite the mountain of paperwork, planning and resource making that I have to do for this September, I decided to have a life.  I feel I deserved it.

That life started 21st July when my boyfriend was finished for his two week holiday which meant, ROLL ON WEDNESDAY!

Tuesday was a horrid affair which mainly consisted of food at our favourite Italian, before heading home for 8 to get some sleep before our very early morning wake up call at 2 o clock.  Why so early? I kept saying.  "I need a shower and we need to get to the airport for 4!"
"But why? We don't fly until 7.40!"
"I booked the carpark for 4-4.30" *cry*

The inevitable need for sleep was washed over by the fact that it was still bright daylight outside and it's impossible to sleep so early.  It is even more impossible to sleep when your boyfriend keeps giggling and poking you ('why are you giggling?', ' just thought it would be funny if I got to sleep before you and my snoring kept you up', 'well I'm awake now again so you succeeded without that!!'.  Roll on midnight, 4 hours of trying, one disturbance to shave his back (urgh), and we're finally sleep...until "LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!" - his alarm goes off.  2am. FML. You get up, I'm staying in bed.

Not a pretty sight at 2am.

Boyf gets out of shower, slowly gets ready, where I'm sat, head in hands, make up semi-plastered on my face, contacts shoved in, clothes thrown on, and lolling about waiting for him. "I hate you for waking me up all night!" "I love you dear" "Hmmmm ¬_¬ love you too".

It's okay though because necking the Relentless (him the Red Bull) and we're flying down the emptiest roads I've ever seen, listening to 80s music and our song, singing along and finally getting excited.
Funny how airport security are allowed to
leave our baggage unattended.


Straight through the doors, to the terminal, checked in, to security and to the gates.  And the waiting started.  Burger King with the lust for Budweiser with it (why only airports?!), sitting watching flights, shopping in the deceptively cheap stores in the departure lounge.  Then the call. YES YES YES.  Finally!

To the Gate, through the Gate, onto the plane, and away.  As easy as 1,2,3.

Flight went over quickly with me in subsleep, lolling on his shoulder or attempting to complete a puzzle book.  The boyf spontaneously laughing at his comedies with his ear plugs in looking rather mental.

Touchdown, and it's the smoothest touch down we've ever experienced.  But we're here, in sunny sunny Spain!  A completely wasted shuttle bus for 50metres, and we're collecting out bags and out to the transfer when we meet, not for the first time, the queueing habits of other people.  WE WERE FIRST IN LINE! STEP ASIDE...last ones on the bus :(.

Some more sleepy times on the way over and finally, hotel!  We were greeted by Spanish speaking staff but fast check in, to the room.  OH MY, THE ROOM!

Having been a self-catered hotel only before, each room came with its own sofa room, double balcony and kitchen!  So much space!!

We unpacked, showered etc and then walked around, finding that the beach was literally a short walk away from the hotel, with plenty of shops and restaurants around (that we won't need, I reminded him, as we're all inclusive!).  That night we discovered the horrendous quality of the hotel food, and decided to escape for a bit to a near by pub, an earlish night ready for the beach the next day.

Only I could have slept all day!  Noticing how quick the poolside sun lounges were taken up, we escaped to the beach where we discovered the lovely past time of koala-ing.  The act of one standing in water while the other hugs on to other one as if they were a tree.  This is the position we stayed in for most of the holiday.

The rest of the holiday, with the odd few walks here and there, can be summed up in my pictures on facebook.  However, it's safe to say it was the best time of my life, and it made me realise something else.  That I am still utterly in love with the boyf, have been for months now and the feelings just haven't changed.  And we can live with each other without a problem, even having lived together past the holiday and until now while his parents have been away.

Oh and the heart attack thing...that's just me pigging out on crap and enjoying myself while I can before the onslaught of the months and year ahead.