Sunday, July 24, 2016

It's summer!!!

To help me make the most of this precious time off I've been posting tweets of what I've been doing. It may not seem a lot but I want to make sure I remember each day for what it is. However, I realise tweets aren't always accessible so thought I'd best keep this up to date too!!

The evening of the holiday. I was so overwhelmed by the generosity of my children and appreciation from the parents this year. It's been a tough one to manage behaviourally but the children have been fantastic.   I will miss them but also I'm looking forward to a new start with the new bunch! 

Day one: After realising the errors of my timing on Monday, my car was booked in for a service at 10 and not at 8! So a lie in was semi possible. But a year of early get ups is hard to shake. Still a drive through to the garage in the nearest city was actually enjoyable. The only feelings of anxiety was as I was nearing the place. My anxiety is becoming a huge problem!! 🚗

Once dropped off my partner whisked me off to the Metro Centre where we enjoyed a gorgeous meal in TGIs and did a bit of holiday shopping :) 🛍

A mad rush back to the garage to find that they'd lost my car (temporarily) and back home for a quick tidy and an appointment to get some new heaters. My partner, who knows no boundaries of shame, managed to talk the business man down to almost half of the retail price. Phew on our bank accounts but I felt huge sympathy for the salesman!! Now I can't wait to get the new heaters in! It'll be like living in the modern age!!

Day two: today was going to be relaxing but my father came along and started to help me renovate the garden. 

Despite feeling rather tired,  I then attacked the house for four hours!! You can tell I'm getting old. 

Just as I thought I was going to have a night in, my friend picked me up for a spontaneous barbecue despite the heavens opening after a rather warm week! 

Gorgeous food and gorgeous company brought the end of Day two!


Day three: shopping, gardening and a night to myself.  At least the garden is 3/4 done - almost back to scratch!! 


The evening saw, what I was expecting to be short 10 minute walk, ending up at my parents house. I guess you shouldn't let a dog choose its own route!! If he'd had is own way he'd be back with my partner's parents house!!

 Benji also got to make three new friends!

Day four: today has been rather boring in terms of what I've been up to! This morning I made it clear that today was going to be a lazy day! However, I felt motivated to get out there and start exercising!! So despite rain starting to fall, I was off on a jog! Although it's hard going with my poor leg muscles the state they're in, I managed to jog three quarters of it. 🏃🏻🏃🏻 Need to keep it up now!! 🏃🏻🏃🏻

After that I've done what I said I would. Camped out on the sofa binging on my reading and Netflix before sampling a game. I think this holiday is going to be full of nights to myself...



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